Important update regarding the Piped instance

This is a developing situation and this post will be updated in the future

Scroll to the bottom for the latest update

2 June 2024

YT recently introduced a new block that requires login to watch videos
I tried a lot of things, like rebooting, reinstalling and rotating IP’s
But they had blacklisted my entire IPv6 /64
Due to exams I didn’t have time to really go into depth to fix it.

14 June 2024

Today I finally found a little bit of time to work on this issue.
I’ve deployed a new VPS in New York πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (because I had some free credit there) and I migrated Piped to there.
Unfortunately there is some latency, but at least it works now. I have also created a Mastodon account where I post these kind of short status updates

15 June 2024

YT has IP banned the New York VPS

16 June 2024

I have migrated Piped back to the German VPS
I am now routing it through a VPN, everything is working again and I have a script to rotate VPN servers daily to avoid disruption
The New York VPS is no longer in service

August 2024

YT has started banning some VPN servers, making me have to manually rotate VPN servers every day

8 September 2024

It seems like most VPN servers have been IP banned by YT
Many Piped instances do not work anymore, including mine
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do at this moment and I’m currently waiting to see how the situation develops